University Portfolio

I think one of the most important parts about studying computer science or software engineering at university is that it gives you the ability to slowly build a portfolio of small pieces of code which can demonstrate what you are capable of. I have embarked on a project over the last month to collate all of my significant university programming assignments. This is a general snapshot of what you learn in a CS degree these. If you are a student – don’t plagiarise my code for your assignments, you’ll get caught and lose your marks. It also violates the license on the code (GPL v2.0) where you must reference the author. If you’re a lecturer – I hope this doesn’t bother you, you should really be changing the assignments every semester anyway to allow for things like this :).

The projects are listed below. I haven’t included all projects as many were fairly trivial and not all computing units assess with programming assignments (much to my annoyance). The code has not been updated since it was first written, so please take note that generally my style of coding has evolved since first learning 4 years ago:

First Year

Second Year

Third Year



Blackboard Scraper now has stand-alone download option.

I have finally gotten around to making the Blackboard Scraper stand alone so you no longer need to install lots of different things to get it working.

Hopefully this makes it easier for non-computing students to access and use. It still only works on Curtin’s blackboard system, however a UWA one is in the works.

Head to the Blackboard Scraper page to give it a whirl.

We Are Doing Computing Assessment Wrong.

Understanding is not cued knowledge: performance is never the sum of drills; problems are not exercises; mastery is not achieved by the unthinking application of algorithms. – Wiggins, 1993

Now when I say We, I really mean Curtin University. I’m going to assume other universities teach in a similar way. To start off, let us have a look at the break down of some second and third year Computer Science (did I say Computer Science? Surely I mean Bachelor of Science (Science) majoring in Computing!) units at Curtin.

In this table, Tests and Exams are things where you have to sit for a certain amount of time with nothing but pen and paper and complete questions. Programming and Written Assessments include things like projects, programming tasks and reports, usually these things are mixed together as an ‘Assignment’.

UnitNo. Tests% TestsNo. Prog/Writ% Prog/Writ

Now if I was asked to rate these units on a combination of how effective I learned the unit outcomes, overall enjoyment and how much I remember the concepts to this day I would probably produce this list.

No.Unit% Tests

Now I know correlation doesn’t mean causation, so I’ll state it clearly.
I hate tests.
There are so many reasons why tests suck in computing that I just have to make a list.

1. It Is a Bad Test of Understanding

When designing computer programs, we usually judge the requirements on inputs and outputs. So if I input X into your program or function, it should output Y. We write test cases around this principal in order to see if the program does what it is supposed to. Unfortunately, people are not programs. When given a programming assignment, if I get given the test case, I can easily produce a program that outputs the solution in one line after calculating the solution manually and telling the program to print the solution. Unfortunately I would get zero marks after my tutor inspected the code.

So if simple input/outputs isn’t enough to test a student’s code, why should it be enough to test their knowledge of the concept. A graduate programmer will seldom be far from a computer able to produce any of the information that has been rote learned at university, so why do we focus so much on this technique?

2. It Does Not Help Students Learn

I can now hear the voices of all my lecturers at once:

“Tests aren’t for learning Jason! They’re for assessing!”

They sure are, Unnamed Lecturer. That’s why every unit ever has somewhere around half of the assessment marks as a formal, summative exam at the end of the semester, a time when everyone stays up late memorising every useless fact in their book in the hopes that they will recall an obscure fact which gives them a higher mark than their peers. Maybe, just maybe this will get them a higher grade so that Company Inc. will think they will be a better employee. This is so disconnected from reality I cannot fathom the reasons why we would want more of this type of assessment.

When studying for a test, what do students do? Normally, we would go through lecture slides, tutorials and past tests/examinations to see what topics are generally tested. We then repeatedly do practice questions (in the case of algorithms or calculations) or try to commit things to recall memory by writing notes and repetition. This is a good strategy to pass tests but this is not a good way to learn.

To contrast, a well structured assignment task will encourage students to go and research concepts and implement them (in the case of programming tasks) or write about them (in the case of reports/essays). While you can easily learn via rote in order to pass tests, implementing an algorithm requires a deeper understanding. The marker can then confirm this understanding by reading your implementation and comments around it. There is also a bonus, programming and to a smaller degree essay writing, has the rote learning of concepts built in. With both programming and writing, you inherently read and reread concepts over and over as you debug and edit your work.

3. There Is No Portfolio

When you complete a programming task, your result automatically goes into a portfolio of code you can publish as an example of your skills when joining the workforce. This is a bonus for people who are vocation oriented (read: at university just to get a job). While high marks always look attractive on a resume, employers will also be looking for experience in certain languages and fields of development. Saying “I did good in a test” is much less impressive than “I implemented an encryption protocol in C in two weeks”.

4. There Are No Goals

Goals are important. There are entire industries based around teaching people to set goals and achieve them. The current buzz around education and marketing (both which are weirdly linked) is gamification: the use of things like scores, points and achievements to help motivate people. Gamification, when used correctly, can increase user engagement and retention. A programming assessment, probably unknowingly, borrows many concepts from gamafication. Usually they will consist of a few different features worth a certain amount of marks (or points, if you see where I’m headed here). When a student completes a feature, they can test it using test input and once they get the correct output, they have “achieved” that feature.

The difference in these programming assessments which makes them almost automatically gamified compared to assignments in other degrees is the ability for instant gratification. A programmer knows when they have reached a milestone, because they can test each part compartmentally. Many Computer Science students tend to enjoy playing video games, so much so that a large chunk of the events our local CS club run are LAN’s. I don’t think this is a coincidence. Our teachers should acknowledge this connection and start designing assessment tasks with it in mind.

You Just Need to Study Harder, You’re an Adult! Formulate Your Own Learning Goals!

This is the response I expect to get from educators reading this. This is what I would expect they would think to themselves when they read my unit feedback (almost every one has been “Less tests, more assignments”). I reject this assumption completely.

University is not an accreditation factory, we don’t attend for the tests, we attend to learn. In this day and age of Khan Academy, Code Academy, Coursera and with all the fancy university offering free MOOCs (Massively Open Online Courses), the difference between learning online and attending a university has narrowed. Students expect that the university will not only make learning content available and test their summative knowledge in a 60 minute session a few times per semester. Students expect that their learning institution will assist them in setting achievable goals which are formative across the unit.

A good way to do that is more practical, programming assessments with theoretical reports/analysis. Giving students feedback through both automatic methods such as providing sample test input/output as well as feedback from instructors which goes beyond “this did not fit the marking guide, this was the answer” will improve student engagement, retention and results.

Lastly, the one issue with encouraging more practical assignments is the issue of cheating and ghost writing. This is the one thing exams are good for, and why they will always have their place at the end of a unit as the summative assessment for the entire semester.